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06/26/14 12:38 AM

#224319 RE: rooster #224317

Russell Brand: Fox News is ‘fanatical, terrorist, propagandist’ and ‘more dangerous than ISIS’

Comedian Russell Brand on Tuesday blasted Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro for taking a position on bombing Iraq that he said was even “worse” than the militant group ISIS which has taken over a large portion of the country.

In what BuzzFeed called “the craziest rant a Fox News host has ever done,” Pirro over the weekend lashed out at the president for not ordering sustained air strikes on Iraq.

Brand took to his YouTube channel on Tuesday to dissect Pirro’s commentary, starting with the claim that ISIS was “coming for us.”

“Hold on, they’re not,” Brand noted. “They not coming. Also, it’s interesting when she says, to them, we are the infidels. Meaning that she regards them as the infidels. Which means unclean, disconnected from God. Don’t try to counter religious extremism with religious extremism.”

Pirro said that her solution to the recent violence Iraq was to “bomb them. Bomb them, keep bombing them, bomb them again, and again.”

“F*cking hell!” Brand exclaimed. “When they do these bombings it creates more insurgents, that’s what creates them. Don’t think of a bomb as going down there and destroying stuff, think of it as like a seed that goes into the ground, and grows insurgents out of it. It creates more terrorism, doing it.”

Brand argued that it was ironic that “justice” was part of the name of Pirro’s show, Justice with Judge Jeanine.

“That’s the thing that’s required here,” he explained. “Is justice, justice and tolerance and compassion… Aid for their refugees in the region, trying to stabilize them and help them to create infrastructure. Not the bombing, bombing, bombing system. Not referring to your fellow human beings as savages, that will make things much worse.”

During her rant, Pirro had also labeled ISIS a “fanatical religious terrorist organization.”

“So is Fox News — is a fanatical terrorist propagandist organization,” Brand observed. “This isn’t reasonable, is it? Like the way she’s talking? ‘Bomb them! Bomb them!’ She’s worse… She’s the savage, she’s totally espousing savage values.”

“I don’t’ recommend it, but there are porn site available where you can let a woman abuse you,” he continued. “There on the camera, she’ll go like, ‘Look at you, look at your little d*ck. Think that I fulfill you? Oh yeah, what are you going to do with that thing? Wanna smell my ass? Wanna sniff my bum bum?’ They say stuff like that… This woman is like those people.”

As some point during Pirro’s over-the-top monologue, Brand said that he found her to be a “sublime blissful comedic entity. Like you sort of can’t take her seriously. She just becomes like a drill or some odd abstract noise.”

“It’s invective, just incendiary language, just volatile combative, angry language,” Brand concluded. “That — I’m not being just sensational — that is more dangerous than ISIS. That attitude. That’s far-reaching. That’s affecting millions and millions of people.”

Watch the video below from Russell Brand.
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06/27/14 9:20 AM

#224400 RE: rooster #224317

Hillary Clinton And Elizabeth Warren Are Totally Crushing The Right In Book Sales


By Ashley Alman
Posted: 06/26/2014 9:11 pm EDT Updated: 14 minutes ago

It's been two weeks since former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices hit the shelves, and she's already getting hit for a "disappointing [ ]" rollout. Critics say her book is "bombing [ ]" and sales are "tanking [ ]," news outlets and conservative blogs report.

But sales figures for Hard Choices, compared with sales of books penned by potential Republican presidential hopefuls, tell a different story. According to Nielsen BookScan data, Clinton has sold almost 135,000 copies of her new memoir.

Meanwhile, Republicans who have similarly aimed to boost their profile with a book -- Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee -- have paled in comparison. In fact, Clinton's two weeks of sales top the total sales to date of books by Paul, Rubio, Bush, Ryan, Walker and Huckabee -- combined.

Clinton isn't the only one putting conservative book sales to shame. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a liberal sweetheart to whom many have dished the big 2016 question, has sold more than 65,000 copies of A Fighting Chance since its April release, almost doubling the leading seller of the Republican bunch.

Huckabee leads the GOP authors with 35,503 copies sold. Rubio is right behind him with just over 35,000 sales. None of the others has hit 20,000. Bush has sold fewer than 5,000 copies of his book, Immigration Wars.

It's no surprise Clinton's books aren't hitting the same numbers as bestseller The Fault in Our Stars [ ], but conservatives may want to consider the success of their own book sales before describing Clinton's as "horrendous [ ]."

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