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Black Beerd

04/18/14 10:31 AM

#7255 RE: russo123 #7254

"Wow. That's a lot of effort to put out when I have no opinion of the mines. "

Not really any effort at all.

"All I know is I own a business. Granted, it is not in Mexico. But, if you were to be on the land were it is, there would be an indication my business was there. The fact USPR's land is in Mexico notwithstanding, I would assume if USPR has progressed to stage ii, they would have some name recognition on the site. That's all. "

Then to be clear...if I took a picture of the land in my backyard and posted it as the Mexican location it should be believed? With as much as this land has in store for those who believe or not...I think all parties involved in this especially shareholders should deal with facts instead of assumptions and speculation. Speculation is what this board is all fired up about now...lets let real facts, findings and filings do the talking.

"would assume if USPR has progressed to stage ii, they would have some name recognition on the site."

Theres that infamous word again..."assume"...its right there with might be's, could be, maybe's should be, wishes, hopes, tooth fairy and dreams...all IMO bad trading and investing strategies.

"And I never research anonymous posters."

Research???? the name wholla there it is. I would say its a 3-5 second research time frame. If it concerns you...get the facts...they are at your disposal.

" As they have no bearing on how a stock trades it has no relevance to me."

You inquired,,, I just obliged ...But I do agree with you I like to deal with things that are relevant.

Psst...this was no effort either.

Chin Up!