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Alias Born 01/04/2013

Re: None

Saturday, 11/23/2013 10:48:47 AM

Saturday, November 23, 2013 10:48:47 AM

Post# of 6671
to ecomike, thank you for the imput,I probably been with tteg. since 2008 and I am loaded to the gills when it came down to sub penny for whatever happens, my sons and grandsons are the only ones who would share in the windfall if there is any. I figure I had not any more to lose so I loaded up I can get it back at .04 a share. I have to wait around to mar. 2014 for it to be long term on the rest of the shares. hopefuly the picture you painted will come to fruit. to you and the rest of the investors good luck hoping china does not start any confrontation with its neighbors.
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