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Alias Born 10/27/2013

Re: None

Sunday, 10/27/2013 3:26:03 AM

Sunday, October 27, 2013 3:26:03 AM

Post# of 2237
This wil become a 10 bagegr or even a 100 bagger over time.

Do the math yourself
30 million shares (one of the lowest in this sector)
$80m cash and no debts what so ever!!!
only 30 people get a salary
CEO owns a lot of shares and he is the founder!!!
Already 2 drugs approved by the FDA who were based on the same technics = approval very likely !!!
The FDA date is Januari the 24th.....(2014)
POZN has a 22% deal with Sanofi for all sales in the USA. This new drug, PA, is a better Aspirin. And Pozn asked Sanofi to sell it at the same price then the generic version, at $1/day
PA is 100% same as Aspirin, but, dalily taken Aspirin causes bleeding ulcers by 24% of the patients. Daily takers of PA will not have that problem anymore!!!
The insurance will pay back everything, so the patients are paying $360/year, but in fact will get the drug for free and by taking the drug, the chences to get heart troubles or cancers are reduced by about 25%.
ALl people older then 50 should be on daily Aspirin. There are 80 million people in the USA and 900 million people world wide older then 50.
In the USA, around 50 million are already on daily aspirin. If POZN/SANOFI can get 10% of this population we are talking about a pPS for POZN at around $330/share
Why? Because 5 million patients pays $1.8billion to Sanofi and POZN gets 22.5% = $400M/year = $13.5/share
Because the generic version costs as much as the approved version, all patients will stay on PA. Which means this income is steady year over year and POZN will start paying dividends. A P/E of 25 give a PPS of $330.
In case 20% of the patients take PA, this will more then double... and today POZN is at $6.
JAZZ also was at $6, Acor as well and amny others who became successful in launching a good drug.