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Alias Born 08/04/2009

Re: HDOGTX post# 33

Tuesday, 10/08/2013 5:49:46 PM

Tuesday, October 08, 2013 5:49:46 PM

Post# of 87
PTAH looks boring .I have been mildly bashing LVGI. There are some OTC stock Ihub LEGENDS over there claiming to da moon, yet it looks like it already went there.

Thing is HDOGTX, I have bashed many of your plays in da past, and will in da future smile. Why the change of heart? Are you not a paid pumper yourself?

Perhaps we can set our differences aside and you can enlighten us all in regard to aforementioned.. Olive branch so to speak smile

Prove me wrong about YT's .. Shed da light big smile

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