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Alias Born 05/29/2005

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Thursday, 12/08/2005 7:14:30 PM

Thursday, December 08, 2005 7:14:30 PM

Post# of 326369
Latest email from TS:

December 8, 2005

Dear ChangeWave Member

So far, officially, we're up over 170% in this exciting microcap
stock. Of course, I know, from the e-mails I'm getting from
ChangeWave MicroCap subscribers, that many of them loaded up on
the stock when it dipped after our initial recommendation...

... and some of them banked gains of well over 1,000%..
So why am I telling you this? Certainly NOT to rub it in. I'm
writing because all our research suggests there's another 1,000%
upside from here. This is your second (and probably last) chance
to join this ten-bagger club.

I've attached two things to this e-mail:

1. The note I sent to subscribers about this stock (with
the name written as XXXXX - it wouldn't be fair to them to name
it here).

2. A longer message, I sent previously to the ChangeWave family
about this stock. (I've written to you several times before about
this stock). We're in this one to win-- -- big time. But you must act
fast before the rest of the world catches on.

Let me be frank: This stock represents the most stunningly
profitable investment opportunity I have ever seen in my 25 years of
investment analysis.

It is by NO measure a sure thing. But it is the closest thing
I've ever seen to getting in on the ground-floor of a
transformational technology before the rest of the world catches

The full realization of this fortune-builder is still years away
as the bar code and voice URL infrastructure rolls out. But look
how fast camera phones have taken over the cell phone world.

Got a little risk capital burning a hole in your pocket? If this
works out as we expect, you'll make a fortune.

Get full details by accepting your risk-free trial subscription
to ChangeWave Microcap Investor now:

If any of this intrigues you - and you have some capital to use
in the hunt for life-changing wealth - I urge you to try a
no-risk trial subscription to MicroCap Investor...

...and get the name of this high-flyer -- and buy instructions --
online right now (plus a whole lot more huge profit
opportunities, like this). It's a 30-cent stock today, so
just a little bit of money can control a big block of shares:

Hit 'em straight,


ChangeWave MicroCap Investor Weekly Update


I know that many of you old-timers with our MicroCap service
could not resist taking a 10-bagger profit on the XXXXX shares
you bought below six cents last year.

I applaud you -- and will admit I sold a few shares myself.

Our promise to you with this exciting service was that a few
life-changing wealth-builders would emerge (along with a few
annoying tax write-offs as well).

Based on the e-mails I have received during the last 2 weeks, it
looks like there are going to be some new vacation homes, boats
and dream vacations taken with the humungous XXXXX profits some
have already banked. I myself have just made a very nice down
payment on my dream golf-course home at Desert Mountain in
Scottsdale, Ariz., with some of my XXXXX winnings.

But, I am holding the vast majority of my XXXXX shares for the
even bigger gains ahead. This is not greed -- this is pure risk
vs. reward analysis.

Yes, you heard me correctly. I now think we can make a case for
the very real potential value of XXXXX in the billion-dollar-plus
range -- no longer just the $300 million-$500 million range.

The reason is the coming explosion in Global System Forfor Mobile
Communications (GSM)/Local search service for wireless data
service users -- and XXXXX's key enabling role in this giant

Stay with me on this ...this...

The local search wave is just starting. You think Google is
profitable? You think Yahoo and Microsoft are doing all they can
do dethrone them?

You ain't seen nothin' yet!

With XXXXX's patents in GSM search and word search, they are the
key enabler of this killer application:

*** PaperClick Mobile Go-Window links consumers to the mobile
Web via brand names and tag lines (registered in the PaperClick
WordRegistry) and entered in a horizontal text-entry bar on the
screen of a wireless device.

*** PaperClick for camera phones provides mobile Internet
connection by the handset camera clicking on a barcode -- either
already-in-the-market, one-dimensional UPC, EAN and ISBN codes or
two-dimensional codes created and placed on packaging,
literature, ads or posters, you name it.

*** And next is the GSM chip -- which (in order for it to work in
a mobile device) requires a license from (you guessed it!) XXXXX.

It's OK to take a few monster profits from XXXXX, but do not -- I
repeat, do not -- miss the rest of the ride ahead.

In my opinion, we are in the very first inning of the XXXXX story
-- and those who hold their 100,000 or 200,000 shares are going
to see them appreciate to become a small fortune -- if not a
large one.

I expect to use these shares to pay for my Desert Mountain house
free and clear -- and I intend to make that desire come true with
my XXXXX investment during the next few years.

Tobin Smith
Executive Editor
ChangeWave MicroCap Investor

Read on for more details
GO HERE to accept your trial subscription:

Here's what I previously wrote about mid-January to our
ChangeWave family:

Dear Friend,

It's "the mother of all Internet growth stocks."

Google? Forget about it. Just another over-hyped dream that,
for my money, was overpriced at its IPO and is certainly a
ticking time-bomb where it's priced now.

This is a much better idea. Just a small investment -- and I
mean $2,000 or $3,000 -- could easily roll up a hundred grand or
more. Risky? Hey, this is microcap investing-if your idea of
excitement is an index fund, delete this message now.

Obviously, this is NOT a stock you sink a lot of cash into. It
ain't some income play. And if you're not playing with money you
can afford to lose, stay the heck away!

But two grand is NOT a lot to risk for an outcome that could
bring you real wealth. And that is the beauty with microcaps.
Tiny little stocks where just a small investment can earn you a
small fortune and give you a story you'll brag about for years to

I'm going to give you part of the story here. If you want to
play along with me at home -- and get the name and whole story
online immediately -- simply accept your risk-free trial
subscription to ChangeWave MicroCap Investor now:

It's another Internet gold rush

Remember Network Solutions, the company that operated the
Internet domain registration system?

They were owned by SAIC -- a billion-dollar, privately held
technology company, which later sold Network Solutions to
VeriSign for $12 BILLION.

Well, guess what? We think SAIC and our little company are
working together to form the NEXT Network Solutions -- a place
where you can register your bar codes to connect to a URL you

And this keyword ownership business is THE REASON to own as much
of this stock as you can.

Here's how it will work. Take the word "ChangeWave." We own the
trademark which we will register with this new registration
entity, so that any time you see our logo in print you can scan
the barcode to go to our specially designed site.

ALL consumer marketing companies with half a brain will want to
do the same. Why? Simple -- because owning barcode URLs takes
you, the consumer, exactly where the marketer wants. NOT to
Google or some other search site that has 10 to 12 different

This is a HUGE advantage for marketers.

As to consumers, this company's "PaperClick" technology makes
searching -- and getting exactly where you want to go -- quick
and easy. Local Internet search will fast become the Holy Grail
of using your phone or PDA or Blackberry-type device. It'll make
the Yellow Pages obsolete and end wasted time on the phone or
endless clicking on the Web.

You say, "Nearest paint store." You say, "Highest rated golf

...and you go right to the data you want -- and then use voice or
Internet to complete the transaction.

If you're a serious growth investor -- with risk capital you can
afford to lose if this doesn't work out -- you simply must get a
piece of this action:

MUCH BETTER than Google

I've gotta make darn sure you understand what I'm trying to tell

Google gets rich selling marketers "keywords" that take Internet
searchers to a list of links.

This company will get RICHER by selling the exclusive use of a
company's trademark, a "keyword" embedded in a unique barcode
and, eventually, through use of a voice-enabled browser.

You see, this firm's technology takes the whole keyword concept
and makes it simpler and better -- for consumer and marketer

Someone searching for "Yankees tickets" on Google gets blasted
with, oh, about 700,000 responses! I know, I just tried it.

But if a marketer owns the voice URL using this company's
breakthrough technology, every single inquiry goes to them.

A businessman's dream! One that anyone with any business sense
will gladly pay a ton of money for. And that's why we believe
this tiny company just may hold the winning cards in the
high-stakes game of mobile commerce.

The power of Microsoft

For some time now, we've been saying that Longhorn, the next
Microsoft operating system, HAS to come up with some new killer
apps to keep the ball rolling toward an integrated phone, PDA and
desktop computer.

Well, the guys at Microsoft AIN'T dummies -- they know it, too.

And now, we've read a very unique glimpse of what Softie insiders
think about this little company and its technology. Robert
Scoble is one of the very top guys in Redmond and a "Technical
Evangelist" for platform strategy at Microsoft. Here's a snippet
from his blog about this new killer app:

"It's not every day that you get to see a killer application for
the first time. Today was such a day.

"(the chairman of our little company) pulled out his cell phone.
Then he pulled out a deodorant product. He said something like
'imagine you're in a supermarket and you want to see if you're
getting the best price on something, like, say, this deodorant
product.' Then he aimed his camera phone ... at the barcode on
back. He snapped a picture. Said 'look at this, it's connecting
to our Web service.' After a few seconds a Web page came back
with a variety of information on the product and competitive

"Now, this was obviously a bit of a mocked up demo, but it
floored me. I hadn't seen anyone actually demo such a thing. He
did something similar with his business card (it has a barcode on
it). Up came his personal web page ...

"He told me to imagine that every household item with (a) barcode
on it now is interactive. Imagine you're a manufacturer. You can
give interactive coupons to people to try to get them to switch
to your product.

"I started getting into it. Imagine you're at a bus stop in
Seattle. Did you know there's a Web service that shows you where
the next bus is located and how far away it is? At every bus stop
there could be a bar code. You aim your camera at the bar code.
Get back the Web service that'll tell you how long you need to
wait for your next bus."

OK, my friend -- Scoble gets the power of using bar codes to go
DIRECTLY to information you want NOW to help you make better
decisions as a consumer. And if Scoble gets it, Microsoft gets
it. If Microsoft gets it -- you can now conclude that this firm's
brand new functionality is now on the verge of its big breakout.

That's why I urge you to join us at ChangeWave MicroCap investor

How about Bill Gates?

A quote from Bill Gates in India's TechTree, reporting on an
interview with a German newspaper, on his vision for mobile

"With cell phones, we will be able to read bar codes to retrieve
information about a certain product. With a camera phone we will
be able to translate a restaurant menu in a foreign country."

Bill gets it -- and this company's intellectual property is
required for his vision.

And the licensing wave has just started. INTEL has just signed an
agreement to embed this functionality into its new smart wireless
handset chips. They felt as I do that they HAD to have the
functionality for their chips and chose to license rather than

Microsoft is next -- they HAVE to get a jump on Palm and other
handset operating system software vendors to gain ANY traction in
that game.

Meet the "Prosumer"

That's our name for the new consumer, who uses the Internet to
shop and gather information -- it's the fastest growing
mass-market segment in the world, according to a market
strategist at Procter & Gamble.

And P&G -- with 16,000 barcodes -- takes this 20-million person
(and mushrooming) market very, very seriously.

So, ain't it good to know that our little company is the key link
to the Prosumer market? What's more, using directed search is
most cost effective market to reach them thanks to
pay-for-performance Internet search.

And that, my friend, is the new killer application -- direct
access to the Prosumer market WITHOUT going through the search
engine multi-click environment.

Up to now, the only stumbling block to getting this bar code
service to market has been the need for zoom lenses on cell
phones. But now, that massive ChangeWave is happening, too.

Our research shows that 50% of cell phones with cameras will have
zoom functions this year, while the other 50% will come next
EVERY phone maker has upgrade plans to zoom lenses -- it would be
suicide not to upgrade to match their competitors.

That's why we believe Microsoft's new cell phone operating
system, called Aura, will HAVE to license this company's patents.
The rest will follow -- and then the bar code URL domain rush
begins like the one we had with URLs for the World Wide Web.

That's why this one stock could truly be worth a fortune -- if
you buy it now:

This is just the beginning

In Japan (where this company's patents do not apply) they are
already using bar code URLs with camera-enabled cell phones.

It is only a matter of time and patience before this bar code and
voice code registration machine begins to GUSH cash flow and push
this stock incredibly higher.

It's a sure thing that the Prosumer market is going to continue
to grow. And they are going to use bar code, and eventually voice
URLs, to pro-sume. The genie is out of the bottle for the
prosumer and its not going back in.

The only question for this company is this: Will it survive long
enough with its limited financial strength to capitalize on the
vision formulated and patented 15 to 20 years ago.

With search engine advertising growing so quickly, and prosumers
becoming more and more valuable to marketers EVERY DAY, my bet is
that this firm WILL live to see its dream realized.

And its current shareholders see this 38-cent stock valued
1,000%-10,000% HIGHER than it is today.

It will take guts, patience, and tolerance for wild daily and
weekly gyrations in the stock. But if you're willing to live
with the volatility, this stock truly has the kind of life-
changing potential we all dream of finding in microcap land.

Your guarantee

I can't guarantee your profits on this pick. It's a fledgling
company that still faces a number of obstacles. That's the name
of the game when you're owing home-run capable microcaps.

But I can guarantee you'll enjoy your overall ride, or I'll give
you all your money back.

Take a full 90 days to evaluate the service. If you decide --
for whatever reason -- that it's not for you, just cancel anytime
in that period, even the very last day, and I'll refund every
penny of your subscription cost.

Accept your trial subscription to ChangeWave MicroCap Investor --
and get full details on this extreme microcap online immediately
-- by going here now:


Toby Smith
ChangeWave MicroCap Investor

P.S. Forget surfing the Internet, surf the real world.

By taking a picture of a bar code or entering a word or phrase in
a "Go Window," mobile-users can link to any Web page in seconds.
No long URLs, Internet searches or hard-to-find-anything phone

Imagine entering a product name, or taking a picture of a bar
code with your mobile phone and linking to a specific Web site
that allows you to make a purchase...enter a contest...obtain a a video...get a coupon...register a product -- the
applications are endless!

This could be BIGGER than Google - and it's just a 38-cent stock!

This company owns the intellectual property that connects the
physical world to your Cell or PDA in the most efficient way --
far more efficient than Google. And they get paid each time you
click to find.

And this is truly "finding" -- not time-consuming searching, like
the Web you're used to.

With this company getting paid every time someone uses
machine-readable codes to get to a remote database, we literally
cannot model the revenue stream.

But all we can say is that if Google is worth $60 billion on ad
word revenue...the mind boggles when we wonder what this stock is
worth, as it gets paid to register every trademark from the
physical world to link it to the virtual.

For full details, join me at ChangeWave MicroCap Investor now:

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