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Alias Born 05/24/2001

Re: OldAIMGuy post# 263

Thursday, 12/08/2005 4:17:52 PM

Thursday, December 08, 2005 4:17:52 PM

Post# of 295
Bought my daughter a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid the day before yesterday.

It was really fun surprising her with it, seeing as how she went on the test-drive with me and was doing her homework at the dealership while I was taking care of business.

The key was met with mixed emotions until, get this.....

She made sure it didn't mean I was trading in her beloved SHO. Then she became ecstatic with the new car.

And was even more so once she drove it about 30 or so miles to get home. After she pulled it into the garage, she told me that she doesn't think she'll drive the SHO anymore after all, so I don't need to keep it registered and insured, though she'd be really upset if I ever sold it.

As it turned out, it was cheaper to keep the SHO insured with her as the primary driver (liability only) and have her as the secondary on the Civic than it would've been to make her the primary on the Civic.

The difference in premium was so huge that knowing what we know now, if we didn't have a cheap liability-only car to make her the primary driver of, we'd have bought one. The difference in premium would buy quite a bit of car!

And though she'll drive the Civic more often than either of us will, we'll put more miles on it than she will since her school's only 2 miles away, but we're going to use it as a family pretty often.

She got 38.7 mpg on her way back from the dealership on back roads without even trying.

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