The redesign of the lenses to add the "brace" always seemed curious to me.
First of all, pictures show that the new lens is almost the same size and shape as the first lens they tried. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were manufactured from the same mold.
OK, so that made me wonder if they will run into the same problem with the new "braced" design as they did with the first design.
We don't know what the problem was, because nobody ever told us. However, since the "brace" was added to offset the wind-caused "harmonic" vibration, I suspect somebody realized during initial testing (if any) that there was some serious exposure to wind damage. So, they discarded the first design and came up with the "pizza slice" design.
That didn't fix the problem. Ooops. So they designed the fancy "louvered" lens and used that design for all the early towers.
The wind STILL did some serious damage to the lens. Ooops.
Not only that, but whoever designed that version forgot to design in a way for the lens to revert to its "home" position after the wind died down. Pretty stupid, right?
OK, so along comes the design for the "braces". Will that design fix the wind-damage problem?
I don't know, but I doubt it. It might reduce the problem, but it won't fix it. Those are some pretty big chunks of plastic up there. Put all chunks into a circle, and you create an "umbrella". Try holding an umbrella in a heavy wind. Think about how heavy the lens framework is, then imagine the entire 4-pod structure getting "whip-sawed" by heavy winds. It seems like there would be LOTS of opportunities for severe damage to be done.
The "braced" lenses were "announced" way back during the 2011 National Convention -- EIGHTEEN MONTHS AGO. Yet, we STILL haven't seen ANY of them in use. WHY ???
Here's a picture of the "braced lens" that was taken during the 2011 Convention:
Here's a question that occurred to me when I was thinking about this whole mess while I was watching the NFL playoff games yesterday.
If the "braces" were going to fix the wind problems in the old/new large lenses ... why not just add the "braces" to the smaller existing "pizza slice" lenses? That would have let them test the design to see if it worked in the existing lenses installed at the pilot plant.
Doh !!
Note that there have been *multiple* fixes for the wind problem ... the wind problem we were assured didn't exist.
Perhaps the "braced lenses" are merely another misdirection ploy to direct attention away from the disturbing fact that they STILL don't have even ONE tower operating.
They were supposed to have "HUNDREDS OF TOWERS OPERATIONAL" during the time period of the 2011 National Convention -- EIGHTEEN MONTHS AGO. I know that because Shepard said so. I quoted him in my RB Post# 198341 on March 3, 2011:
Doesn't it seem strange that we didn't hear any of the convention attendees expressing concern about the *verifiable* fact they only had NINETEEN towers "up" -- not HUNDREDS?
They didn't seem to care. They just kept right on selling "systems" to friends, family, neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc.
It's almost like all those upper tier "team members" who attended the National Convention know this is a never-ending process, but they don't care as long as they can continue taking their bogus tax credits and earn their sales commissions.
You know, that doesn't seem quite fair to the people they are selling to.
Hey, all you believers out there ... do you have anything to add to this conversation?
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