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Alias Born 04/16/2005

Re: LORTAP KCOTS post# 218

Monday, 10/03/2005 7:55:49 PM

Monday, October 03, 2005 7:55:49 PM

Post# of 4741
lol - bottom not reached for those that like to bash a decent company that has employed people for decades...

Bottom line is this stock is still a diamond in the rough giving the market opportunity and demand for just IMW alone.

Some companies make bad investment decisions and go bankrupt... the core business of ACS is never going to go away and this makes it a long term hold... unfortunately it's a great target for bashers who would love to see this stock move below a penny or further....

remember this company eliminated most of its long term debt and has a book value of 1.8 cents per share... it is absurd to think that it could go lower but those with the stock are too impatient and will sell on any notion... luckily the market makers will step this stock down until it is ready to pop...

all those that have waited patiently will make plenty but if you sell now before any news... you might as well just give ur money to the next guy.