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Alias Born 04/21/2006

Re: mahrkitmeyker post# 2

Friday, 01/20/2012 1:46:14 PM

Friday, January 20, 2012 1:46:14 PM

Post# of 4
Talk about not having up to date information. Milacron is a privately held company:

SEPTEMBER 20, 2010

A year after emerging from bankruptcy proceedings as privately owned Milacron LLC, the manufacturer is profitable and gaining strength on all fronts, CEO Dennis Smith said. With far less debt than its namesake predecessor, Milacron LLC is able to plow its cash flow back into the business, something Milacron Inc. wasn’t able to do for most of the decade prior to its March 2009 bankruptcy filing

Step aside son, you're blockin' the MOMO! ... .. Disproving absence of evidence should be easy, show the evidence of.

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