If they started buying in earnest, yes, the price would move up quickly, which it has in the past. You can get to 20,000,000 shares in 40 days buying an average of 500,000 per day. That is less than half of the average daily volume and which would not likely affect the price, especially when everyone thinks the price is going to continue to decline.
Whoever would have thought the price would fall below $0.50 with silver at $35?! This is not normal trading. This is the perfect time for them to buy 50,000 and sell 5,000 at .02 less, just when everyone is scared. They'll continue to knock the price down.
This scheme stops working when a sufficient number of people believe it has reached bottom and begin buying again. The question you have to ask is, who is buying now, when the knife is falling fast?
Many of us on this board believe in USSIF and will not sell under any circumstances. I told my brother this morning on my way in to work that I thought we were being set up for a buy-out and that I thought the price would fall somewhere between $1.00 and $1.50.
We may not make the killing we thought we would, but we'll get a handsome profit in the not too distant future. You've only lost money when you sell.