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Alias Born 04/16/2005

Re: Gigwoof post# 9707

Tuesday, 05/03/2005 6:24:11 PM

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:24:11 PM

Post# of 18564
To each their own the trading world. I started a month ago and lost a lot and then made a lot more back...

Information put to use in trustworthy networks is key. You have to move on it though - see the bid/ask velocity and compute MACD, OBV, CMF, RSI, in real time... one issue at a time. Today i had that with SHAR. It's weird because i sat there on .029 and the ask was .031. Closed at .048. Sometimes its good to pay the ask to get in the front of the line on a rush... but i had to go to an appointment and left it - it got rejected within a half hour... i left $900 on the table on an already super up day.

It's hard to push the actual buy and sell buttons and i am very new to the trading world... where is the best place to find good info and how do you know if it is too old to act on or not?
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