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Alias Born 12/20/2004

Re: None

Friday, 12/10/2010 5:27:39 PM

Friday, December 10, 2010 5:27:39 PM

Post# of 1681
As per Seabeewife today... thank you Seabeewife.

seabeewife Share Thursday, December 09, 2010 1:05:45 PM
Re: Dakota Dad post# 310211 Tweet Post # of 310218
Have you Googled The Fight Network lately? If not, you should. They filed bankruptcy last month, and yesterday they announced that Leonard Asper and FORMER shareholders Loudon Owen and Ed Nordholm partnered to buy a large stake in TFN, Leonard Asper is now the new CEO. Seems they owe 13+ million to creditors who they are meeting with tomorrow according to one of the articles. Here are a couple of the articles. (Should have written it as Asper is leading a consortium of investors, as stated in the article I read.)
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