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Alias Born 01/14/2003

Re: stricklybiz post# 12627

Friday, 01/21/2005 2:28:27 PM

Friday, January 21, 2005 2:28:27 PM

Post# of 24712
Gee -Biz- you're on the ball. No, I don't work there. I have been there but before we were partners. Don't know much about it. News said we operate it for Occidental? I wasn't aware we operated it. We are building a few much needed power plants out here with partners. Of course, the environmental issues, de-regulation-"regulations", not in my backyard mentality, and political issues kept new plants from being built, caused old plants to change hands from utility to private ownnership and contributed to the energy fiasco. But that's for another board.
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