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Re: King_George_Va post# 16041

Thursday, 04/15/2010 1:23:30 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Post# of 36808
Hi King G.

If memory serves , and I could be wrong...

Cetek put in $100,000 to WPT in the form of "materials".

Cetek wasnt the only supplier for the H/exchange..a company in China was the only one able to produce the "honeycomb" ceramics to the specs that WPT required....while Cetek provided the rest.

(And as you point out..WPT seems to be a solar outfit now...
...though Ceramics can be an integral part of that industry)

Again..memory only ,cause I deleted all my WPT archives many moons ago!
