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Alias Born 08/28/2001

Re: BOREALIS post# 671

Saturday, 03/06/2010 9:26:04 AM

Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:26:04 AM

Post# of 682
I thought the opening was better.

And as much as the Kid scored the "GOLDEN GOAL" and I have been a huge fan of his. well not initially when he was 12 LOL but then I felt he was just another really good little minor hockey player. AFter that HUGE fan

BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT for me the moment of the olympics for me was very early and the obvious love two brothers have for one another with our First Gold medal. This was not planned. there was no IMG group of handlers behind this moment. This was pure.

sure I was hooting an hollaring when the kid scored BUT maybe Im a sap. The again I chick flicked it last night at the movie "Dear JOHN". You want your woman all weepey and maybe evan a biot frisky afterwards - take her to that movie. YOU can sleep and she can cry.

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