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Alias Born 03/01/2004

Re: None

Monday, 09/28/2009 10:56:06 AM

Monday, September 28, 2009 10:56:06 AM

Post# of 560
NO PERSONAL ATTACKS: You guys are welcome to discuss the stocks involved, but if you start attacking one another, the mods here are going to remove those posts.

All information about the promoters, insiders, companies, etc. is welcome here. Post what you know. All that is welcome and ON TOPIC. But recognize that most of the posts will likely be about the legal proceedings and comments about the legal activities.

ALSO: Posts about the price of those stocks, their charts, market makers, wheeeees and boooos about the price are OFF TOPIC.

Fair warning. Repeated abuse and failure to follow these simple rules will bring bans.


This will take a while to work through the process, so don't expect immediate results or resolution to the issues surrounding this situation.

PLEASE BE CIVIL and BUILD ON THE DISCUSSION OF OTHERS, rather than trying to TEAR OTHERS DOWN ON A PERSONAL LEVEL. A "JUST THE FACTS" approach is better than calling others names.

Please help this board become a useful reference and a valuable learning experience for others...

Thank you.

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