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Alias Born 08/23/2005

Re: z4lover post# 167394

Monday, 08/17/2009 7:21:37 PM

Monday, August 17, 2009 7:21:37 PM

Post# of 346922
No, that is not what my post says. The SEC says that you get on the RegSho list if the FTD's exceed certain numbers 5 days in a row.
It also says after FTD's fall below the .5% (sufficient trades settled) the company will remain on the the list for another 5 days and if at any time during those 5 days the FTD's go above the .5% again the 5 day counter to get off the list will be reset.
That's why SPNG was on the list despite most days showing very little FTD's.

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