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Alias Born 01/17/2007

Re: None

Wednesday, 10/08/2008 11:47:28 PM

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 11:47:28 PM

Post# of 86719
OK, let me give it to you right from the hip. Long but I am convinced DEAD ON. Three interests to protect. Ours first, then the money guys, then his and The Board. How do you satisfy all three? Considering 20% of the shares makes 99% of the noise and is responsible for 0% of the move. You do exactly what he did today and did in the past.

Now, play along. It is the answer. One thing you will learn is ALL big money knows what is coming 12-24 months out; 6-12 months in advance. You can dance around YOUR issue of no Dre date. It is what it is. When you realize this is THEIR agreement and we're the contractor, you will understand Iovine calls the shots. They are dumping the VISIBILITY and mktg money into the Debutante's Ball. They say when it debuts. Not us. Same with Kid. We will be drinking BOTH Yak and Spak for the Super Bowl. All that matters.

Now for the REALLY important stuff. Who stands to gain by selling? Absolutely not a soul. All the 144's have passed for a good length of time. They got their money. There hasn't been one in forever. There are no insiders selling. You hear me? No funds selling. It is orchestrated.

So now we turn our attention to WHO has the most to gain by manipulating the price in this area. Who could easily perpetuate a blockade on this stock AND what would be their interest in doing so.

Well, let me tell you. But first, look at what WAS REALLY said today. "We don't use the "B" word around here" to SEVEN times using the "B" word. He doesn't like to give guidance. He gave guidance. But what WOULDN'T he touch or skirted around? Get off the products for a second and REALLY listen. The call was for us. What he DID NOT say was for them. The money guys. First, THREE analysts watching everything they do. One is gone BK. That would be either LEH or BSC. Great company to be in. Now there is Goldman who brought HANS to market ON THE DEAL that they would get the buyout if and when it occurred. Go back and look. Literally sideways all through '98 in advance of the Monster introduction. Plowing along with great guidance of what was to come. Nobody cared ORRRRR so it seemed. Goldman was controlling the market and getting all the shares. Sideways all year with several days over 1 million shares with less than 6 million OS. Still no movement. Then "just suddenly" it starts to go and then gone. Oh sure, they will tell you they don't come in under a buck. But c'mon. Ignore a great story IN ADVANCE of what you can see from every angle is history repeating itself? Knowing you can control ALL the shares at the price you want?

Also, you had to take note of the "warrants" question. He threw out the capital inflow on the warrants to be converted over 50 cents. It is anti dilutive and raises Shareholder Equity. But more important, when the question was raised to elaborate on the Dre warrants at $1.20, he said he would only elaborate on what what in the public domain. He DID talk of the $1.20 Dre warrants in detail on the last call. Now suddenly they are off limits? Was the deal with Kid the same kind of thing in the equity relationship? No matter if it was. Probably so.

So here's the deal and take it to the bank. Warrants to exercise at 50 cents. Warrants to exercise at $1.20. Per case valuations thrown out at $1.40 low up to well over $2.00. No accounting for the further deals and the additional icons. That just adds more.

Now, play it out yourself. Stock is at 25 cents. Some guys with deep pockets want to make a lot of money at 50 cents. A couple more guys and a big music company want to make alot of money at $1.20. Don't you think all these guys are going to make absolutely sure they make THEIR money? They always do!

Now, go back again. Summer of 2007 Universal is announced. No action. Nobody cares. Yet on the heels of some financing. I don't care if it is Able or Enable or Midtown or WTF it is. That is immaterial. The point is you have to have a hook for these guys to get in large and stay the course. You could argue they filed their warrants to convert in January at 50 cents and on 2/28/2008, the stock ran to 60 cents. Boom! Instant conversion. Wrong! No filing and no cash intake for Kenny. He wouldn't have mentioned it today if it already happened. No, it brought in fresh retail before the game actually began. More sellers because of no movement. This was their in. Now she's on lockdown.

C'mon think about it! If this was some wharped sense of self gratification on "look what we did" on driving the price into the ground with NO DTCC REPORTED SHORT POSITION, then wouldn't the price already be a dime? A nickel? A penny? Never going to happen. No, there is something to this 25 cents it keeps gravitating towards.

Now go to the action. Maybe FINRA got their hooks in them. You have to have seen the mirror trades in the past two weeks. This time though, they are mirroring TO THE UPSIDE. But how odd is it, the mirrors happen in between the B&A and then immediately the next trade crosses at the stated price shown. Then there are "in betweens." Two biggies today of 30000 at .255 non posted and then 27400 at .2675. You have had to notice how the low of the day ALWAYS manages to get exposed and 9 times out of 10 it is a negative number for the day. All part of the game. It is accumulation at its finest. IT IS WHAT THEY DID TO HANS.

But what of the shares. Simple. Shares they own and some nakeds. When you buy the ask, it is their shares. They just put up more. They run a naked on your buy into the bids to get their buys filled for their actual long position. Then as a "journal entry" only, they run the cover of the naked shares between the spreads. So, these guys are truly giving themselves a huge, long position over time on trades that really don't all exist. Not even close.

Now if you were close and knew the deal back last summer and fall. Then you knew that icons were coming and global expansion, you could easily take 8-10 months to accumulate an enormous position on a stock that averages at or under 100K a day. You'd have to! And what would make your job the easiest?? That's the simple one. It's the one that ALWAYS makes your job the easiest. You wait out the retail investor and BORE THEM into selling. Three things will make a retail investor sell. A stock that goes up for quick profits( The run to .60 on 2/28); a stock that does nothing but go lower(from February to July); or a stock that goes sideways and can never go up on the best of news(anytime! but specifically July to present). They control the market. They control us. It is what it is and it will move when THEY decide it is ready to move. Only one thing can beat the game and that is the deep pockets like yesterday that can read the game and decide to take the ball away from them.

Now, who has the most to gain to give credibility and visibility to what is happening? Well, the guys with the warrants at 50 cents. There is every reason to suggest and confirm those guys make a deal and as part of that deal, they decide they want to hold those shares until the company gets bought out. After all, that is what all of management is doing. The company can force the conversion if they need the cash but doubtful at this point. So, wouldn't it stand to reason with great possibility that if you can hold a price long enough to create a large position, you also have the clout to move a price higher also? Of course you do! And wouldn't it stand to reason if you knew you would get a few million shares over 50 cents valued at 50 cents, then you would have an enormous financial incentive of 100% on your money to gather as many shares as possible at half the price? Of course you would! And wouldn't you really be doing yourself a HUGE favor by scooping all humanly possible at 25 cents beginning on 2/25/08 when Dre was announced if you learned that he was getting warrants at $1.20? That is 400% on your money on top of the other 100% on your money. But if you held them all for a buyout, it could easily be 4000% on your money or more!

Now with this incentive to own as dramatic as it is and the other large shareholders of record knowing it is out there, can you see why no 144's in the past 12 months since Universal was announced? Can you see why the guidance? Why the valuations? Why the action?

There is still one piece of the puzzle to consider but all it draws to is, "I knew it had to be one of them in the end." It could be the warrant guys at 50 cents. It could be Goldman or some other institution knowing they can repeat history of HANS and can play it across the hedge spectrum that makes it a self fulfilling prophecy. There is also the likes of those interests that can naked short in Europe and can gather a large long position and naked short ex the DTCC. That places the likes of Diageo or Pernod as likely candidates who are both Europe based. While DKAM is unlikely to steal their market share, they are PERFECT candidates to buy Drinks. They know and can see the plan and know Kenny can pull it off. Wouldn't you want to grab the Lion's share of 35 mil in the float under 50 cents if you knew ultimately it would cost you 10-20 times more for the rest of the shares? And if it saved them $200-$400 million, wouldn't it be worth the time and effort to manipulate the price for 8 months? Of course it would!

Then there is always Dre even though Kenny says he is not buying. Dre wouldn't file in his own names anyways and whoever is doing it is doing such in several accounts to skirt the 5% SEC reporting rule. For now anyways. When they want the market to know they have more than 5%, they will let us know at 4 times the price.

There is no seller. No incentive to sell. Only a buyer or buyers and an incentive to manipulate. You have three options. Report it to FINRA and get it stopped. It was and nothing happened yet. Everyone get on Kenny and have him pull the reports on who's share positions are changing dramatically to the upside, or if any NEW accounts of size have been popping up. Or, just wait it out.

Like I have said and the one thing this board has sorely and long forgotten. This stock, like every stock does not need new products on the shelves or 300% increases in revenues already reported or a filing of being solicited for a buyout to move higher. It can move higher on any day and any time simply because it trades like it should; demand outweighs supply. When that is allowed to happen, and it is coming very quickly, then you really won't know what hit you. While you're scrambling to fill out a sell order, it already moved past what you wanted and will continue to run further than you ever expected.

Said before and will be said many, many more times. 80% of you will sell making an average of 20% of the overall move. My gut and peer evaluation on this issue says $20-$30 in the end. Most will be fully gone $1.50-$2.00 at best. Hoping. Wishing. Praying that it will back up like it always has.

And it never will.

Doing the work required to bring quality information to others: Rilo787, sneakypeaky, Tirunesh, BillyC49, Coopermun, OldTimer