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Alias Born 12/20/2004

Re: Stock post# 1658

Wednesday, 04/09/2008 2:17:29 AM

Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:17:29 AM

Post# of 1681
HDNet sports picked up MMA a while ago while it was real hot. MMA may have chilled a bit of late due to infighting between broadcasters, owners and fighters ... still shaking out IMO. Most hype is produced by the entities that want to sell the product so you should do some personal DD to find out the real stories.

HDNet Facts
HDNet is the first national television network broadcasting all of its programming in 1080i HD, the highest-quality format of high-definition television (HDTV).
Launched September 2001 by co-founders Mark Cuban, owner of Dallas Mavericks, and Philip Garvin of Colorado Studios.
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