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Re: Stock post# 623

Thursday, 03/27/2008 8:14:36 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:14:36 PM

Post# of 886
Joint Venture???

Angle vs. Couture Update: Cuban Confirms They're Negotiating
Reported by: Ryan Clark

Updated on March 25, 2008 7:56 PM EST

TNA Champion Kurt Angle has teased for years that he would like to get involved with mixed martial arts. In a recent radio interview, Angle said he is currently training for a mixed martial arts fight with Randy "The Natural" Couture. While Angle is known for making some outlandish statements, billionaire Mark Cuban has shed some new light on what would be one of the biggest MMA fights of the year. spoke to Cuban this week and asked him whether he heard about the fight and if he'd consider airing Angle vs. Couture on his "HDNet" cable TV channel. Cuban responded, "They are trying to make it happen and it will be on HDNet."

On a side note, Cuban also said he's still interested in working with Floyd Mayweather on a joint venture in the future.
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