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Re: Mattu post# 166

Wednesday, 02/20/2002 12:11:44 AM

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 12:11:44 AM

Post# of 232
Yo Matt,

Just the admin (entrepreneur, big wheel) I was looking for.

If I wanna ask a stupid question about how to use this site what thread do I go to?

Like dumb questions like these ..

... like I know (cause ya give me a cue card) that we do things different here with HTML so instead of </B> we do <b, and instead of </I> we do <i, all of which seems rather unorthodox to me but I'm sure this is a good dumb reason.

Now to fix font spacing for a section of text I would normally do

How do I do that here?

Let me guess ...

column 1     column 2 
row 2 row 2

No, that doesn't work.

Well the font spacing did but if I do a < or a > or a [ or a ] everything fouls up, which threw these bolds in here and dropped some things, like an old SI problem I worked through one day with SI support when they played with the HTML (again).

I mean like this message is not what I typed (HTML confusion).

There it changed it again (bolds gone on this edit after a < this, and meantime my sig disappeared.

- Eric -
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