FROM FILING - MERGER Management believes that various types of potential merger or acquisition candidates might find a Business Combination with the Company to be attractive. These include acquisition candidates desiring to eventually create a more liquid market for their shares, acquisition candidates which have long-term plans for raising capital through public sale of securities and believe that the possible prior existence of a public market for their securities would be beneficial, and acquisition candidates which plan to acquire additional assets through issuance of securities rather than for cash, and believe that the possibility of development of a public market for their securities will be of assistance in that process. Acquisition candidates who have a need for an immediate cash infusion are not likely to find a potential Business Combination with the Company to be an attractive alternative. Nevertheless, the Company has not conducted market research and is not aware of statistical data which would support the perceived benefits of a merger or acquisition transaction for the owners of an acquisition candidate.
This info is not to be construed as a solicitation to buy/sell securities. Hdogtx reserves the right to either BUY/SELL shares in a company's stock he mentions.