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Re: Reddog65 post# 1637

Monday, 03/17/2008 2:52:21 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008 2:52:21 PM

Post# of 1681
he deleted it, he's a mod there

he delted me for this post, he said he was tired of my rethoric

Posted by: strongtower
In reply to: A deleted message Date:3/17/2008 10:31:55 AM
Post #of 289015

After last week this stock destoyed it's self with it's antics here. They blatantly lied here and produced a very ignorant pr. And then people had the nerve to say give them time.LOL How many more divi and buyback scams can some of these people take. I mean 3 divi scams in 3 years. This stock is nothing but a joke.

Blackout Media Announces Valuation and Analyst Report Issued by Media Experts Will Be Released on Friday
Here is their client list and yes BKMP is not on it imagine that

Blackout Media Releases Valuation and Analyst Report Issued by Media Search Consulting
You can't even find this company on the web, they don't exist just like Samai and his cronies don't. Plus the only thing that pops up on this is for BKMP's pr' Just one big fat lie here.

I don't care who gets mad at me here, it's time to fess up this is a big TFN scam

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