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Alias Born 10/10/2007

Re: Arbo99 post# 1017

Tuesday, 10/23/2007 8:03:27 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 8:03:27 PM

Post# of 1076
"where were you when Raymond and Debra were running rampant?" "try being a little more constuctive" you say. I don't run this company.I'm not responsible for their actions. If you think I'm kicking them when they're down you're wrong. They don't need any help-they did a good job by their selves. What part don't you believe. Check the press releases. There's nothing "phoney" about quoting the facts. I bet they'd like to have the $200,000.00 plus now. You sound like an immature whinning loser that wants to strike at someone else. If Hansen turns it around I'll be the first one back in. Until then good luck baby.