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Alias Born 10/10/2007

Re: Arbo99 post# 1015

Tuesday, 10/23/2007 6:54:39 PM

Tuesday, October 23, 2007 6:54:39 PM

Post# of 1076
This is the epitome of a stock completely mis-managed. From a company that had everything going for it to bottom of the barrel. I bought and sold this around $5.00. Every month supposedly they were increasing their customer base by about 15%. They were going to get listed and all kinds of good things. Instead they started using company money to play the ponies.They blew $200,000.00 plus on the trotters and now they can't pay the interest on their notes. There's got to be something criminal in this. I look for one of those New York Class Action boys to come running soon. Only good that may come out of this is the possibility of one of the other providers buying them out. Long shot. Good luck all.