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Alias Born 02/09/2017

Re: vCISO post# 24581

Thursday, 01/23/2025 11:15:04 AM

Thursday, January 23, 2025 11:15:04 AM

Post# of 24616
Let’s consider a scenario where there are 1,000 shareholders (that's a decent ballpark # for sc). At any given moment, it’s reasonable to expect around 1% of holders will decide to sell. This isn’t far-fetched at all. A portion of that 1% may go through a full-service broker—perhaps they use Schwab instead—but offloading underperformers, or cleaning up a portfolio, is completely normal.

Just yesterday, the traded dollar value stood at approximately $30K. For perspective, that’s equivalent to just 30 shares of Netflix. Yes, you read that right—30 shares. Peanuts.

Regarding the share count, yes there are 225 million shares outstanding, but it’s also important to note that the float is actually under 90 million. And 115M or so of the OS are controlled by insiders.

Btw. . . A split wont happen anytime soon. A ridiculous 1:100 puts the stock at $4, which is still below where institutions get inviolved, plus the level still limits uplisting options. It might also be a proverbial slap in the face to the .18 cent private placement buyers who kept the lights on. Glta
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