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Alias Born 01/23/2006

Re: Zilla post# 321

Wednesday, 01/22/2025 10:53:53 AM

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 10:53:53 AM

Post# of 342
Zilla, There is still about 12 million shares short on IEP - I see a big pps movement before March 11th which is the next expected record date. IEP earning out Feb. 25th will show a big improvement with positive reported earnings. I still like my STO PUTS as I collect big premium and if assigned I own them at low pps - then can turn around and STO covered Calls

Now that Hindy is no longer putting out and promoting short sellers those that followed him need to cover soon!

There are several downsides to short-selling. You have unlimited loss potential, the market has an inherent positive bias over the long run, you'll probably have to pay a fee for borrowing the shares, and yes, you are responsible for paying any dividends issued by the stock while you're short.
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