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Re: Drugdoctor post# 344217

Tuesday, 01/21/2025 11:48:16 AM

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 11:48:16 AM

Post# of 344272
Bottom feeding forum pumpers heads explode when someone post facts about their BS pumping posts.

Re: Pugsieboy post# 302136
Friday, 03/01/2019 12:06:20 AM

I'm buying, and I believe GEORGE SHARP will bring big $$$$ to investors here

Re: oceans11 post# 323139
Friday, 10/23/2020 8:59:35 AM

I found a pic of "Schaefer lives in California">>>

That was a lie you posted a photo of a headstone for "Bill Schaefer" which was a pumping lie as Bill. Schaefer is still alive.

Re: Huggy Bear post# 340467
Tuesday, 11/29/2022 11:27:22 PM

George Sharp created Millionaires with $FORW and $TSNP a couple of years ago. He is not done

TSNP/HMBL is now $0.00085.

Most HUMBL investors were holding for $10 to $100 - the Forum pumpers and they were caught holding and watched their investment disappeared.

Only 🤡 bashers go back and cut and paste 2 year old posts... What a losing technique... sheesh

That is hilarious - you never want facts posted about your history of childish pumping or facts exposing a Sharp scam.


The First Casualty of Emotion is Reason.