Out on the back porch this morning watching the night turn to day having a coffee and looking across the pasture field and woods behind me...and...gazing into the heavens...thinking on this part of Gods creation that i live and Gods sovereign hand upon the universe. And...i was thinking about His love for me and everyone and what Jesus made very clear to us. Jesus told us that we are to "love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength and also to love others as we love ourselves". Now first of all to love ourselves we have to do that in the right kind of way...im thinking that does not include pride and ego and self centeredness. And second of all if we do not love ourselves in the right kind of way...can we truly love others or even love God? Thats a question. And when i think about all of that i think of the fact that if we love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength then we truly are capable of loving others as we love ourself...and...when we are loving others as ourself it is because we are loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. Think about how that works together and how awesome life can be if we practice that in our daily life. I want to live my life that way every breath of everyday... i "desire" as best i can to love everybody and to love them just as Jesus loves me...unconditionally. Yes...that can be hard at times but as we are also told..."with God nothing is impossible...right? I want to love others in such a way that they truly can see the light of Jesus shining from me and i dont mean that to be all warm and fuzzy...because...there can be nothing pretend about it when we love as Jesus loves. I want everybody that i come in contact with...that i talk to...i want them to see that i sincerely care about whats going on in their life...i want them to know that they too can have not just life but have it more abundantly. And that dont mean more materal stuff but more peace...joy and contentment thru Jesus. And...i want that love to be more than just words...i want to encourage people...lift people up...pray with people...help them anyway i can...let them know that the One and only God of the universe...the very person that created them...loves them in such a way that their desire is to have what i have...and of course..that is Jesus! We live in a world that it seems the Golden Rule...which is scripture by the way...has changed from "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"...and oh how awesome life would be if we would all live that way. But it seems to have changed to...do unto others before they do unto you. Hear me folks...we know this...we are the eyes, ears, mouth, heart, hands and feet of Jesus...right? And i want everybody to know that there is hope and its through a personal relationship with Jesus! My goal...so to speak...is for everyone to know what a lunatic i was thru my 25 years of drugs and booze and what Jesus has done for me these past 29 years of knowing Him as Lord and Savior! As i type this I need you to know that i have that peace, joy and contentment of a personal relationship with Jesus and oh how awesome it is! If you dont know how that feels...i cant explain it...but believe me it is awesome! Some of you know how messed up i use to be...most of you dont. Let me tell you this...if...and He did...Jesus can change me He can change anyone. So...get out there and tell folks your story and what Jesus has done for you....what greater love to give someone than to introduce them to Jesus?!
I Have No Regrets About My Past...My Past Is Who I Am Today...Born Again!
Rick j Sane
I Have No Regrets About My Past...My Past Is Who I Am Today...Born Again!
Rick j Sane