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Re: DiscoverGold post# 44091

Sunday, 01/19/2025 2:28:07 PM

Sunday, January 19, 2025 2:28:07 PM

Post# of 44239
"Those who have short positions in the New York market are in the process of getting squeezed, especially if they are having trouble getting their hands on physical metal to deliver into their short positions. Or get it into the right form."

That's the big shoe to drop.
There is not enough physical silver mined in a year to cover this short.
If they get called, citi bank could go insolvent. JP Morgan too.

$200oz silver is not out of the question in the short term. Next 18 months.
To throw into the mix, war will end under Trump, but nations will run to rebuild their war capacity and will take massive amounts of silver.
And don't forget Samsungs silver battery.
That alone can be a massive silver rush. If that cat gets out of the bag, I don't know how they can artificially continue to keep silver low for industry. If Elon makes a bid to buy Samsung, it's game on. This battery can be the wet dream EVs need. It's way more sling in development than the graphene battery.
We might see a day where we stop making fun of EV drivers.

I think this is why China has told its people to stop buying gold and load silver. That cursed them back in the day when all nations were loading gold. China took it up the butt hoarding silver. That and opium has had them sucking wind in the world stage untill now. Now that they own the US congress..

And I'd love to see all the paper gold called too. That's almost as bad.,

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