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Sunday, 01/19/2025 7:10:26 AM

Sunday, January 19, 2025 7:10:26 AM

Post# of 69521
Molded by the Master

~ You have been perfectly designed to accomplish the work God has planned for you.

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 18:1-6

If you have ever watched a potter work, as Jeremiah did in today’s passage, you know the wonder of seeing a vessel take shape from a lump of clay. It was an object lesson for the prophet – God was teaching that the nation of Israel needed to be shaped by His hand. In fact, we are all vessels designed and molded by the master Potter.

In the studio, when clay is placed on the wheel, the potter already has a specific design in mind for it. The same is true of us – the Lord has determined how He plans to work in our life and what part we are to play in building His kingdom. Each believer is shaped differently to worship and honor God. But regardless of how He made us, we all bear our Potter’s unmistakable imprint.

Too often we look around at the talents and abilities of others and wish to be more like someone else. But we have been perfectly designed for God’s purposes, and He makes no mistakes. Know this: As a born-again believer, the Master is pleased with who you are in Him, for you are “awesomely and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Take a moment and ask God to let this truth sink into your heart and mind today.

~ published by: In Touch Ministries

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