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Alias Born 12/06/2004

Re: skyrocketinsight post# 141558

Saturday, 01/18/2025 9:36:09 AM

Saturday, January 18, 2025 9:36:09 AM

Post# of 141870
Share are for trading and following your hunches.  A shareholder can sell their shares or hold on for potential growth.  If a shareholder cannot read the writing on the wall and perceived value drops off the edge of the earth, then the shareholder can only blame themselves, not the company.

For the longest time I've held onto my 72 shares or some multiple of that.  My share holding is now up to 77 shares and I'm perfectly happy with where I stand.  I credit the company with trying to be profitable by eliminating long term debt while gaining RWA.

**** Nearly everything I post is an opinion, though my posts are usually based on facts ****