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Alias Born 08/01/2009

Re: ORCA post# 141536

Friday, 01/17/2025 9:28:28 AM

Friday, January 17, 2025 9:28:28 AM

Post# of 141916
You are not helping the cause with your chicken trio sales that stifle any decent chance at a run and all your proclamations about AXXA.

Just know the SEC is watching you! I am not one to stand idly by and ignore what some people say on this board. Right now I am in direct contact with the SEC and have been for the last year on this ticker and do share what some people say on this board. I am neutral in who is at fault the company or some traders so that is how I come across to the SEC. I do not know the whole story.

But what I can tell you (unless AXXA is really stupid they should BE ON THEIR BEST BEHAVIOR!) or their shop will be closed up if they are doing anything wrong.

Either way shareholders WILL WIN HERE! Regardless of a couple bad apple AXXA shareholders or a company who purportedly continues it sales of CD's at the shareholders expense.