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Alias Born 08/09/2019

Re: None

Wednesday, 01/15/2025 12:41:42 PM

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 12:41:42 PM

Post# of 247546
Recent & Easily Verifiable Facts of KEGS:

KEGS was profitable in the 2nd & 3rd Quarter of 2024.
KEGS has verifiable assets, 4 properties in New York..
KEGS has 4 active liquor licenses in the State of New York.
KEGS is now delivering beer to 45 states plus DC.
KEGS beer is available to purchase in Canada.
KEGS 1812 beer has won multiple awards in multiple years in multiple competitions.
KEGS recently won New York Amber Ale Brewer of the Year Award.
KEGS has purchased a new restaurant in Watertown, NY now named 1812 On The River.
KEGS has a restaurant in Sackets Harbor, NY now called 1812 on the Lake.
KEGS has its own brewery & bottling processing facility in Watertown that is 13,000 sq feet (different than the restaurant).
KEGS has addressed the $13.7 million in debt and the note holders have tentatively agreed not to convert until market cap reaches $100 million

KEGS has not issued any new shares since March 1st, 2024... NO DILUTION in over 10 months

Also Breaking News: Brian Mclain has offered to sell, or sold, 100 million shares for $100,000 according to a SEC document, form 144/A, filed on 7-29-2024:

I will let time tell the truth for the shareholders of KEGS!

Good Luck to All Good People Here!

Lets Go KEGS! More Good News!
