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Re: Adjustedtosteep post# 69516

Friday, 01/10/2025 10:27:43 AM

Friday, January 10, 2025 10:27:43 AM

Post# of 69698
This management is just a sad ass group.

It's pretty bad when you can't get financials out on time when your company made zero dollars.

They thank shareholders for their patients, but don't update their shareholders.

They have made a lot of promises and come through with none.

Their stock is almost back down to the price I paid for it years ago.

They really need to sell the shell so we could all get a little bit of a profit and move on because these numb nuts don't have a clue of what.

Family and friends are probably hating on them since they paid two cents and it's sitting between a half a cent to 3/4 cent so they lost more than half their money.

They were supposed to have merged hi Alloy years ago.

They can't even stay current on their reports, it's not like these dates unknown there is not one Competent person in that group of management.

Worst case scenario, this will be my stock loss for my taxes next year! Lol

With a little bit of communication, this stock would've been and stayed in the pennies until they show some decent revenue.