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Re: Adjustedtosteep post# 69507

Thursday, 01/09/2025 10:11:57 AM

Thursday, January 09, 2025 10:11:57 AM

Post# of 69705
Adjustedtosteep, haven't heard anything from you regarding MVNT's two consecutive quarters of $0 in revenues.

I am very curious to know what, if any, opinions you have about what is going on with MVNT. We all thought MVNT was different from many typical pink scams in that they had real operations with real revenues. Now MVNT doesn't seem much different than many other pink scams without revenues. But it will get even worse over 2025. So far, we know nothing about Q1 2025. Did they also have $0 revenues in Q1 2025? And what about the now ended Q2 2025? Could they have had $0 revenues for 3 or 4 quarters in a row now?

Thank you in advance for any ideas/opinions you might have regarding the current revenue situation for MVNT.

Disclaimer: Do not rely on my projections to make a buy or sell decision. Always do your own DD. Facts are truth. My opinions are just that - opinions.