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Alias Born 08/16/2011

Re: Fiberrevo9 post# 284586

Wednesday, 01/08/2025 11:13:35 AM

Wednesday, January 08, 2025 11:13:35 AM

Post# of 285390
Exactly and precisely. #3 on the breakout board? That speaks volumes; people have noticed. No contract announcement is fine by me. It is coming and I am sure of it. So, in the meantime, what a great breakthrough. No sudden pop of the share price and I got to 'top off the tank' as some funds cleared for the new year. And another thing - this PR was released at 6am. I think that is an indication of how significant this PR is.

Getting the Darwin Bark Spider sequence under our belt is a very big deal, of that I have no doubt. Knowledgeable retail investors will appreciate the accomplishment. Other potential customers are quietly smiling. Definitely a 'dog whistle" to certain players. A few words have been said about this being the beginning of a 'buyout' drumroll. I don't think CEO Thompson is done quite yet. Imo, no BO occurs until an uplist to Nasdaq and at least a couple of good-sized contracts. I want our CEO negotiating and managing the early contracts. Right now is more crucial than at any time in the company's history.

And I don't think Mr. Thompson will leave completely when that day arrives and he wants to offload some of the responsibility. An advisory role, perhaps as a Board member, would be a step back and not have to sit on the hot seat each and every day. He can then start to appreciate his accomplishment. Already, it's impressive, to say the very least. Even now, a $5 price tag is paltry compared what is coming.

You know what to do … BUY MORE SHARES !!!

We are the NEXT * BIG * THING * 

Later, WBeacham

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