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Re: cableguy post# 70716

Sunday, 12/15/2024 9:12:43 PM

Sunday, December 15, 2024 9:12:43 PM

Post# of 70726
They've been on the Expert Market for many weeks now. Unless you live in Canada, or are a broker, you can't buy the stock. You can place a sell order but I doubt anyone is going to buy it. Once I placed a very tiny sell order, MARKET order, just to see what would happen, and sure enough they sold my shares for zero dollars per share. I also tried a tiny LIMIT order at $0.0001 but it never went through and on the Expert Market the orders can only last 1 day. That 15-12G filing allows them to not have to do their required filings. It's a good thing they filed it. They had just made a mistake when they initially filed the form which would have shut the ticker down, but they saved it when they updated that filing.

I've been involved in two tickers that had full blown suspensions (one by not filing the 15-12G) and they both eventually came back to life, a couple of YEARS later. For now, we're just stuck unless the company decides to either resurrect the ticker with all of their filings so it can be tradable again. I'm not even looking at it right now as it appears the OTC market could pop like it did in early 2021. Money has finally returned to the OTC. I'm focused on RDA$, GRL$, HMB$ and AXX$ for now, and longer term with IFU$ and IGP$.

Every couple of weeks I keep checking to see if anything is being built on Sutton Way in Grass Valley, but the last Google photo is still dated March 2024. I'll just hold my shares and maybe they'll decide to keep the public company alive going forward.

One other thing... I read somewhere that these silly OTCMarket rules are going to revert back to the old way around the middle on 2025. It's probably because it discouraged a lot of investors from trading all of the Expert Market tickers, which certainly must cost brokers a lot of commission.