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Re: 1jas post# 7822

Monday, 11/11/2024 11:16:26 AM

Monday, November 11, 2024 11:16:26 AM

Post# of 9447
You are making an assumption, first off OneMind is a subsidiary of Affluence and the money they generate is a part of the over all revenue that Affluence gets... But more importantly when I said they used convertible notes that was a statement that covered the entire time Affluence has owned OneMind... I will gather from your post and question that you have not read the financial statements that Affluence has put out over the last 4 years. If you did you would know that there have not been any convertible notes issued for over 3 years... and you may not understand the fact that OneMind could not participate in any large meaning full contracts during the Covid Lock Down period... and that those Lock Downs included all of Europe the Middle East and South and Central America. In order to function they needed money and they got it thru Venture Capitalists... but have not needed to use that type of financing since early 2022 So I did not answer your question if you think I was implying they are still using Affluence to fund them thru convertible notes.