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Alias Born 03/07/2016

Re: ElectricJester54 post# 31701

Saturday, 11/09/2024 1:08:00 PM

Saturday, November 09, 2024 1:08:00 PM

Post# of 31718
Fair enough what you didn't take into account I was interacting with the IR you remove my post that I wanted an answer to the moderators job isn't to control narrative or stop arguing its to remove violation of ihub policy. I can see you're a good guy trying to do what you think was right. But we have and always will have a difference of opinion on this. Besides that we have a lot in common. Just to give you an example if there a negative poster that makes sense to me and you deleted it it would change my investment plan and that's not up to any moderator to decide what other hubs read and for that reason I'll continue to report any removed post that don't violate ihub policy . We can get along and agree where we agree but especially on this platform to much is hidden that is relative to any investor by deleted post . I hope your able to understand my point of view if not that ok we agree on many others have a great weekend.