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Alias Born 06/20/2007


Re: powerbattles post# 7612

Wednesday, 11/06/2024 3:29:40 PM

Wednesday, November 06, 2024 3:29:40 PM

Post# of 9448
I will answer that post but that will be it... I would have preferred that you read what I wrote and taken it in context with the post I responded to... then thought for a minute as to what it actually meant. The question was Why are we down to .0021... I responded that when people with followers in the thousands show up those that follow them show up. Lets look at that..if you dont know that there are traders on IHUB who look to see where you are posting and what stock you are promoting and then show up and buy and wait for it to explode you crazy. Thats part of being a person with a large following At no time did I call out you or any of the other large followed people or anyone personally who posts on this board. I pointed out a fact that there are dozens of people who follow you and others..they dont post they are simply playing a stock you are ln and doing the DD on ..they use your popularity and your trading knowledge and they buy...if it does not fly in a week they leave. The selling this morning at the BID and the size of the trades clearly showed it was retail leaving. OTCN is indeed the problem here, but he is not the sole person initiating every single trade from 9:30 to 4 pm. I did not bash a single person...YOU on the other hand have bashed several people on this board...YOU called Golfnut Georgeofhebungle and a few other flat out names and did in fact call them stupid or that their post was stupid. I am very confident that you half ass read what I wrote and took it personal as if I were calling you out for being a large followed poster and the post was directed at you and your followers... Learn a fact of life on message boards, you are a target by many silent traders. If you have 1 or 2 or more thousand followers there is a good chance when you pick a stock to post on those silent traders can buy and flip and get out. You are, to be very honest Arrogant to say the least You are great at DD and you can spot trading trends as well as anyone, but your not ruler who decides what anyone can or can not say on this or any other board.

We shared a bond a while back over your homeland and my having been there in the late 60's... You have managed to blow that up in one post. Take care of yourself and good luck with all of your trades.