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Re: Slojab post# 7291

Saturday, 11/02/2024 6:04:54 PM

Saturday, November 02, 2024 6:04:54 PM

Post# of 7295
If you read the comments on that gold prospector's chatboard, there are quite a few gold hobbyists that would be happy to dirty up Cyros's nice clean uniform for him. Apparently, he has made some people pretty unhappy with his flimflammery.......

Cyros is the guy that supplies worthless mining claims for many of the Sunnyland group of OTC garbage promotions. And now he has his own OTC stock - AFFL, which is basically a shell company waiting on something to promote. Sunny and Cyros will find some worthless mining claims and proclaim them to be worth millions (or billions).

Do your own research, use third-party sources, and don't buy into the hype.