I don't know that a lawsuit makes any sense, I just wouldn't be surprised if certain former insiders and larger investors threaten one -- particularly given their weird plan earlier this year to do some kind of strange IPO hybrid that was obviously hatched in response to dissatisfaction from those people. Personally, I didn't think a lawsuit made any sense after the delisting, and I argued that point. They needed some time to come up with a plan. Which they did. Unfortunately, that plan involved Zamora, but that's water under the bridge. So they got a new plan, which involves becoming a legit biotech. And that's all fine. It took money and time, and that work is also done (restored to the good graces of the SEC, real inroads at the FDA, etc.). So then they needed money, and have tried multiple IPOs, all of which have failed. This is where the patience must necessarily come to an end, and they need to understand this. They are now 0 for at least 3 on IPO attempts.An IPO isn't going to happen. They need to relist the shares on an OTC market, and seek funding through other channels. The result will most likely be a horrible devaluation of the shares and the market value of the company. And we're all going to lose a lot of money unless we choose to hold onto the shares and see what happens. But that is better than blowing up the company with a lawsuit, which will produce nothing except some legal fees and some visceral satisfaction that they all got what they have now richly earned. But, personally, I'd rather have my shares trading on an OTC market. They've had their grace period. It's time to list the shares.