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Alias Born 03/12/2012

Re: PC retired post# 7008

Wednesday, 10/16/2024 10:31:06 AM

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 10:31:06 AM

Post# of 7205
To your credit you declare this area of science beyond your area of expertise. To your detriment, Holcomb does not claim this is a free energy device at any time. He LAYMAN'S terms.. where this energy comes from, and is does not come from nowhere. His video makes it very clear from where it comes and exactly how energy is conserved.

The concept adds perfectly valid and proven nuclear magetic domain energy to the energy input. No magic. No hocus pocus. Input energy A, transduce energy B into the same form as energy A (refer to your earlier correct post on this very subject), add them both together at the output. Result: Output EXCEEDS inut from A. Units of like energy are additive, as you know.

The law you cite does not forbid adding like energy forms together. This is what happens within the system. Further, at no time can the those internal ions kick out one iota more of the potential energy than those domains contain.i.e. the energy is conserved ...per law.

The system is tested and verified indendently.

The patents have been examined and allowed.
Commerce has begun in the form of licenses, royalties, leases, even installations.

Like any new technology, it takes yeaars for the world at large to come to terms with it. Look at the big hit nuclear energy was at first, electric light bulbs (declared to be proof of the devil's existence once upon a time), cutting steel with water, microwave ovens...COOKING WITHOUT FIRE? impossible. We still have people firmly convinced the world is flat.

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