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Re: RichieBoy post# 6203

Monday, 10/14/2024 3:07:56 PM

Monday, October 14, 2024 3:07:56 PM

Post# of 7761
Rich I dont know where you get your numbers and dates from, but the Q 2 filing was due on August 9 and was posted on August 19 five days after the Late Filing.. was posted. The 2nd quarter ended on June 30 and the filing date for the Quarter was 45 days after the Quarter. The 3rd quarter ended on September 30 and the filing date is 45 days after September 30. Which makes in in November. So there are 31 days in Oct. which leaves another 14 days in November for the 45 required days to file Q 3. they will file the Late notice around or on the 14th of November and then have 5 days after that to put up the 3rd Quarter report that ended on Sept 30th
"I note the prescribed due date for last Q2 was June 30th" So no the prescribed date was not June 30th that is the end date of the quarter... The same thing applies for your Prescribed date of Sep. 30 again that is the end of the Quarter.... no one can file a 3 month quarter on the day it ends...thats impossible.

The only thing wishy washy is your confusion on when Quarter's end vs when the filing for the quarter is due.

Just to be clear quarter filings are due no later then 45 days after the end of the quarter, unless a Notice of Late Filing is posted

Year end filings are due 90 days at the end of the 4th quarter again unless a Notice of Late Filing is posted