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Re: None

Thursday, 10/03/2024 10:46:14 AM

Thursday, October 03, 2024 10:46:14 AM

Post# of 70723
Sure hope they surprise us with stellar news in the next couple of weeks, but they did let the sister company go to the Expert Market and it's like it doesn't exist anymore without a web site.

It feels like they've tired of running public companies along with all of the expenses for all of the filings. Feels like they might go private.

However, I always thought that top management was getting their $200k+ annual salary via all of their convertible debt at the sister conpany so where would they get that money from going forward?

It's so strange since the brewery itself is seems to be firing on all cylinders. A long shot would be that a large private brewery would step up and buy them out, but maybe not if they were a public company since a certain key brewery is privately held and might not want to acquire a public company.

Plus a key brewery that I'm thinking of made their first ever growth-by-acquisition play earlier this year, and it was a private company. This is such extreme speculation that I won't mention any names.

Since I have other stocks that I found earlier this year, I'm not overly tempted to load more shares before/if they go to the Expert Market, especially since we haven't heard a word about a larger brewery or anything about microbrewery franchises.