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Alias Born 05/31/2016

Re: None

Wednesday, 10/02/2024 9:34:19 AM

Wednesday, October 02, 2024 9:34:19 AM

Post# of 70724
The company better get their tail in gear! They now show a Grace Period symbol on the web site. That only gives them 15 days to get their filings in before getting kicked to the Expert Market. Who knows what they have in mind.

The problem with the Expert Market is that I can't buy shares in the U.S. during that period and if they announce big deals while on the Expert Market the stock can run before it reopens for trading in the U. S.

Guess I'll have to focus on my other 3 high risk lotto plays for now - AHRO, IGPK and IFUS. My time frame for a possible substantial move on those is 1 month, 15 months and 4 months, respectively.