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Monday, 09/30/2024 2:50:40 PM

Monday, September 30, 2024 2:50:40 PM

Post# of 94219
WDRP Investor Update

We have recently launched a new venture specializing in financing. Our primary role is to act as an intermediary, connecting private investors and lenders with promising business opportunities. While we are open to working with clients globally, our initial focus has been on Southeast Asia, particularly Vietnam. Vietnam stands out as one of the most attractive investment destinations in Southeast Asia due to its favorable demographics, abundant business opportunities, and significant growth potential.

Conducting transactions outside the U.S. requires skillful navigation of local business practices, laws, and regulations. Since becoming actively involved earlier this year, we have gained valuable insights into these nuances. Currently, we have several transactions in the pipeline with some progressing well, while others are addressing certain challenges.

We remain committed to delivering positive results and look forward to sharing good news with our shareholders soon. While we have refrained from frequent updates due to some milestones taking longer than anticipated, we continue to push forward. Despite these delays, we are confident that this endeavor will generate favorable financial returns in the near future. Please continue to follow us for updates. $WDRP #OTC
2:42 PM · Sep 30, 2024