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Alias Born 04/17/2006

Re: None

Wednesday, 09/18/2024 5:21:21 PM

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 5:21:21 PM

Post# of 1482
Rodney brought this up again, post for posterity sake

Viking61, you are absolutely right. The problem the Plaintiffs Attorneys did not address the Law. Ha

The Plaintiffs have to prove the FHFA / Treasury broke the law. The Plaintiffs made no mention of Federal Statute.

JUSTICE BREYER told the Plaintiffs how to win. Quote: “Thank you. I think in reading this you could, with trying to simplify as much as possible, do you -- the shareholders' claim as saying we bought into this corporation, it was supposed to be private as well as having a public side, and then the government nationalized it. That's what they did. If you look at their giving the net worth to Treasury, it's nationalizing the company. Now, whatever conservators do and receivers do, they don't nationalize companies. And when they nationalized this company, naturally they paid us nothing and our shares became worthless. And so what do you say?” End of Quote, page 12

The link may not work anymore, the above statement was made and recorded in the transcript.

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